Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Grandma Tate's Birthday

Okay so I'm falling a little behind in the posting area, but that just means life is busy, and that is a good thing for me.
A few weeks ago we celebrated JD's mom's birthday. The Texas Tates were here so there were kids for Emma to watch and play with. We went bowling and had dessert at our house (newly remodeled I might add). It was so much fun, just don't ask me my bowling score. Not because it was bad, just because I don't remember it. No, but really, it was terrible. Emma was loving watching Jeffery and Jack run around. Jeffery was very possessive of his bowling ball and told both JD and me that we were not allowed to use it. Cute kid, he's so funny.

We have also been having some fun by the pool. Emma loves to be in the water and splash around. JD and I were swimming with her and it was just too cute to pass up so we had to grab the camera.


Meg said...

Its about time you posted something! I'm always checking your blog and am sorely disappointed when I've read it all. You should post some more pics of Emma. One of these days I'll get to see her. She'll probably actually be able to say my name by the time I get down there. Do you have any plans for coming to UT in the future? Let me know how things are going with you and what you've been up to. We need to chat, call me sometime :)

Our Family said...

Hey you!! My sis and her husband just moved into your ward. She was asking me about you yesterday because she knew we were friends and she thought you were Jess's cousin. Any who, we will all need to get together soon. Also, about the tacos, all you do is get some shredded beef or shredded chicken (I just stick my chicken in the crock pot and then shred it when it's done). You add cheese, salt and pepper to the meat. Then you just put enough oil in a pan to cover the bottom and put it at medium or so heat. You put the meat in the corn tortilla (I use the skinnier Arizona brand tortillas) and using tongs put it in the oil. I just rock it back and forth a bit so it gets the curved shape so that when I put it on its side it stays that way. Does that make sense? Then just cook it til its golden. They're way easy and very yummy. Call me if you have questions. Maybe we can get together next week for a play date?? Let me know. :)