Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Flowers and Spice and everything Nice

A few weeks ago JD and I decided to get things ready to plant our vegetable and flower garden this year. We also added a spice garden! I can never choose what flowers to get because I love them all. I made a second trip a week later and picked up some snap dragons and another narcissus. Am I a complete dork? Our herbs and spices haven't come up yet, maybe it's still too cold, but we have lettuce and strawberries and some baby carrot sprouts so far.
This is from the day I planted the garden...

This is what it looks like now. A little messy because of the wind and rain!


Meg said...

Oh I am so jealous! Your flowers look great! We just got another 4ish inches of snow today. I planted bulbs in the fall and can't wait for them to come up! That won't happen for another month or so. At least I'll get to see yours when I come down :) We need to stop this phone tag, when can I get a hold of you?

Cindy and Ben said...

Nice gardening skills Kim & JD! We're hoping to get our garden planted in a few weeks. We're going to try basil along with some veggies.