Emma and her cousins went to the zoo a few weeks back to check out the animals and say hi to a zebra or two. It was a fun trip over all, but it was still BLASTED HOT! We saw giraffes, zebras, the big tree house, and then we watched her cousins on the carousel before getting back in to our nice air conditioned cars! Alright! Now that the weather is cooling down we will have to make a trip back to let her take a peek at more of her fuzzy friends.

Hot weather... that sounds nice. I woke up this morning to an inch of snow and having to scrape the ice off of my windshield (well, Tommy scraped it off for me). Well it looks like we won't be making it down to AZ for Thanksgiving cause Tommy's sister is coming to UT so we'll be sticking around here. I can't believe that Emma is almost one! You'll probably have another kid before I get to see you ;) hehe.
How fun!! I need to take Braden & Spencer to the zoo!
She is so cute smiling in her stroller. WE will have to make a trip to the zoo with you guys when we come down for Christmas. Poor Jeffry has never been to the zoo...kind of sad huh?!
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